Round Twin Shower opens a new dimension of bathing
Round Twin Shower opens a new dimension of bathing
Blog Article
When bathroom design meets spatial reconstruction thinking, Round Twin Shower is redefining the boundaries of bathing with a revolutionary double-ring structure. This unconventional product not only changes the trajectory of water flow, but also transforms ordinary bathrooms into private spas through precision engineering, triggering the industry's re-imagination of bathing scenes.
[Three-dimensional water curtain reconstructs bathing space]
Traditional shower equipment focuses on single-point water optimization, while Round Twin Shower adopts an upper and lower double-ring nesting design to build a three-dimensional water curtain system in a standard floor height of 1.8 meters. The upper ring spray device evenly distributes 48 0.3 mm micropores, and cooperates with air boosting technology to form cloud-like water particles, gently covering the shoulder and neck area; the lower boosting ring forms an umbrella-shaped water curtain within a radius of 50 cm through fluid mechanics calculations, ensuring that all parts of the torso receive water flow with appropriate impact force at the same time. This three-dimensional water curtain design expands the effective bathing area to 2.3 times that of traditional showers.
[Digital hub empowers smart bathing]
The built-in intelligent control unit of the product can be called the "water environment commander". It uses a six-axis sensor to capture the user's body shape in real time and automatically adjust the water flow intensity and coverage. The supporting mobile application can remember the bathing preferences of family members. A technology blogger found that after three learnings, the system can accurately predict 85% of personalized setting needs. What is more noteworthy is its water-saving algorithm. While maintaining the bathing experience, it saves 42% of water compared with the traditional double shower system and has been awarded a four-star rating by the international water-saving certification agency WELS.
[Elderly-friendly design highlights humanistic care]
The silver-haired mode developed by the R&D team in cooperation with medical institutions is specially set up with a 38℃ constant temperature safety lock and a slow-start water flow program. When the annular water outlet structure is used with a non-slip seat, it can form a bathing water curtain without dead ends, which is particularly convenient for wheelchair users. After a nursing community introduced this product, the single bathing time of caregivers was shortened by 40%, and the skin infection rate of the elderly decreased by 28%, verifying the practical value of aging-friendly design.
【Industry chain linkage gives birth to a new ecology】
The hot sales of Round Twin Shower have driven a new trend in bathroom space design and spawned the concept of "dry-wet separation 3.0". Many custom home brands have launched supporting overall solutions, and a building materials group has even developed an integrated water and electricity module, which reduces the installation time from 4 hours to 45 minutes. Industry analysts predict that this "product + space + service" business model may push the bathroom industry from single product competition to system solution competition.
From the laboratory to the consumer market, Round Twin Shower proves that innovation is not a simple stacking of parameters, but a deep understanding of usage scenarios. While other brands are still chasing the gimmick of water outlet mode, this product has built a complete bathing ecosystem, providing a more forward-looking choice for families pursuing quality life. With the deep integration of IoT technology, the future bathing space may evolve into a front-end scene for health management, and Round Twin Shower has undoubtedly seized the opportunity for innovation.